If you’re interested in getting a heating 和 cooling system for your home, 有不同的选择. 其中一个选项是a 无导管小裂口. 这种类型的暖通hg6686系统已经越来越受欢迎. 它在几种情况下都很有效, 安装一个迷你分体式装置可能是明智之举. 此外,它可能会增加你的房子的价值. 如果你在任何时候列出你的财产, you might be able to sell for a higher price because of your ductless mini-split system. How exactly does a ductless mini-split make your home more attractive? 继续往下读,找出答案.


所有的无管小分流都可以冷却,有些还可以加热. 考虑到夏天温暖的气温, you’ll want your place to offer a break from the intense heat outdoors. 就房屋价值而言, it would be great if your property could be competitive 和 offer benefits that many buyers are looking for. 许多新建的房子都安装了中央hg6686, 和 central air is definitely a selling point in older homes as well. People have gotten very used to the idea of hanging out in air-conditioned spaces, 所以你的决定需要考虑到这一点. A home that doesn’t have any sort of air conditioning system will probably st和 out, 不过是以消极的方式. In this case, you might have to lower your price point to garner more interest.

If you don’t currently have central air 和 want buyers to see your home as a nice, 他们可以放松的凉爽的地方, 你可以考虑做些改进. Installing ductless mini-split systems can be a strategic way to make your place more appealing. 当然, 你可以安装窗户装置, but this would be considered a step down from 无导管小裂口s. 买家可能会想要永久的东西, 和 they’ll appreciate that the ductless mini-split systems don’t block access to the windows.


如前所述,一些无管道的迷你分裂提供热量. To make a system transition from heating to cooling, it’s really simple. You just have to adjust a setting 和 the system will work in reverse.

Ductless mini-split systems that heat 和 cool are often installed in places that would otherwise have trouble staying at a moderate temperature. 例如, perhaps you’ve converted an attic space or a garage into a bedroom, 或者你已经建了一个附加的. 这些地方, 哪些地方通常离你家中心很远, 可能会变得很冷或很热. This would especially be true if your home already has central air, 但是你的管道系统没有连接到你的新空间. In this case, a ductless mini-split system could be the perfect solution. It can heat the new area in the winter 和 cool it down in the summer. Buyers will want to see that every room in your home can function well as a living space that people would enjoy spending time in.

Another point has to do with the fact that some rooms can be drafty. 这种情况更有可能发生在绝缘材料较少的老房子里. Under these circumstances, the existing heating system may struggle to keep a certain area warm. If you’d like a solution for this, you can turn to a 无导管小裂口. Many people have gotten these systems as supplemental sources of heating, 买家可能会欣赏这一点.


无管道微型分体式系统由室内外装置组成. The indoor unit can be placed on a vertical wall or hung from a ceiling, 这取决于你买的是什么款式. 无论哪种方式, the placement is out of the way 和 doesn’t take up any square footage, 而且不会影响你的家具布局. In most cases, it’s recommended that you mount the indoor unit on a perimeter wall. Since the indoor unit needs to be connected to the outdoor unit through a conduit, 这个位置使得配置系统更加容易. 你可以决定你想把你的室内机放在哪里.

You’ll also get to figure out where you’d like your outdoor unit to be placed. Unsightly equipment that’s in an obvious spot may detract from your curb appeal. The good news is that outdoor units can be placed almost anywhere around your home. The conduits that connect them with indoor units can be quite lengthy. Pick a spot out of the way, hidden away, 和 you won’t detract from your home’s appearance.


When people look at homes for sale, most of them don’t just think about the listing price. 他们还必须考虑每年的房产税, 维护任何户外区域的成本, 预期的水电费. 许多现代买家都意识到能源的使用, 和 they may be looking for homes that have eco-friendly systems already in place.

Ductless mini-split systems can be efficient at heating 和 cooling. 当它们加热一个区域时,它们实际上没有产生任何热量. Instead, they’re absorbing heat from the outdoors 和 bringing it inside. This transfer process takes significantly less energy than the process of generating heat by burning fuel or consuming electricity.

当作为hg6686运行时, mini splits can be very effective while consuming a lower amount of energy than many traditional hg6686s. Efficiency is measured with SEER ratings, 和 many mini-splits have very high SEER ratings.

It’s important to note that each ductless mini-split system is intended to heat or cool a specific room. 如果你在房间里待了一段时间, you won’t need to use the mini split 和 can save energy in the process. 你只需要在使用时冷却或加热该区域.


Move-in ready homes can be much more attractive to the average buyer than homes that need a lot of work. New owners can certainly feel free to add ductless mini-split systems on their own, but not all of them are going to be enthusiastic about that prospect. They’ll already need to turn over a large chunk of money to buy new homes, so having to pay more for 暖通hg6686 systems might not be something they’re looking forward to doing. Having 无导管小裂口s already installed can make things much more convenient for potential buyers. 更有吸引力的房屋可能会以更高的价格上市.


hg6686 & 冷却 can answer any questions you may have about 无导管小裂口s in the 搬运 和 大急流城, 心肌梗死区域. We’re proud of our long history of service, which dates back to 1961. Our founder passed on the business to his son, 和 we’ve worked with generations of customers. Our employees are highly skilled 和 ready to get to work whether you have a big or small project in mind. 我们希望您在家里感到舒适, 我们可以帮你安装一个熔炉, 锅炉, hg6686, 热泵, 或者是小分叉. 我们也可以维护和服务这些系统. 此外,我们还提供以下相关服务 室内空气质量热水器.

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